
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Almost Easter

We got through the Chirstmas holidays and now are eagerly awaiting spring, with all the wonderful sights and scents that come with this season of rebirth.

Pleasanlty, I am reminded of my Gramma taking me for a new Easter outfit each spring.  She worked at Eatons in downtown Toronto.  Back then, Eatons had a cafeteria and the bribe for me to try un dozens of dresses was lunch out.  She would let me push the tray around, collect my own sandwich, dessert and use the chocolate milk dispenser myself.  Now that might sound silly to some of you but it made me feel grown up.  After making my own decisions on what to eat and drink, I had to pay the lady at the cash, even though I was painfully shy. My Gramma was one smart cookie and knew I needed these experiences to get over my shyness, chocolate milk being the best part.

Tegan's mom, Chistina, has already gotten Tegan's Easter dress so I'll be searching for some other fun clothing.  We are commited to only buying from companies here in Canada or the US. Please Mum is a based out of Vancouver, Ontario. Tegan has a snowsuite from them and the quaility of their childens' clothing is excellent. Often they have fantasic sales both online and in their retail stores. If you sign up for the newsletter you will not miss a sales event.

Shoes!! Goodness but Tegan had 18 pair of shes before she  could even walk. That will be my next project, to find Canadian or US made shoes that are affordable. Say tuned for my next blog post.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Fun in the Sun

A few weeks ago our little family had a picnic. This was the first of hopefully many with Tegan. Victoria Park was our refuge from the heat that day and we all managed to dunk our feet in Lake Ontario and cool ourselves. Tegan was not a fan of the loud, crashing waves but was fascinated by the little girl who was playing beside her in the water.

Seems there is almost always something fun going on down at the waterfront, in the summer. There is the Waterfront festival the first week of July and we all went down. It was hot and not a lot of fun for a baby so we didn't stay long although my husband and I went down again later to see the Canada Day fireworks.

This weekend is the Sand Castle Festival and this time I am hoping both sons and their wives will be able to make it. I know Tegan and her folks are planning to attend. So far the weather forecast is predicting no rain for both Saturday and Sunday... Yeah!! Nothing ruins sandcastles faster than a rain storm. I'm going to pick up a little pail and shovel for our girl so she can enjoy the festivities too. Grampa is chomping at the bit to have the Downeys compete when the grand kids are old enough to contribute to the family's creations.

Christina is always diligent when it comes to making sure Tegan is protected from the sun. She has some adorable hats and always smears on the sunscreen. So don't forget your sunscreen as you head out this weekend for summer fun in the sun in your area.

What's going on in your neck of the woods that will make for some wonderful memories of time with Grandma? Are you making traditions with your grand-kids? Please feel free to comment with your favourite summer fun activities. And please let me know how you stay cool on those scorching days of July and August...many of us do not have A/C and are always looking for ideas to keep our families comfortable. Stay cool!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Tegan's First Visit to the Library

This week Tegan and her mom, Christina, invited me along on Tegan's first visit to the library. Now some of you might be thinking, "So, what's the big deal?" Well Tegan is not quite 6 months old but she already understands that letters, words and pictures in books, are reaching out to her, telling her about the wonders of the world.

Her mom reads to her every night, so it's no wonder this little girl is already interested in books. That association with mom (or dad) and the closeness she feels with them while reading would be a powerful tool when encouraging a child to read.

The Library is located in a heritage building that used to be the old schoolhouse. It was quite a chilly, windy day for a walk but we could all use the fresh air. By the time we arrived, Tegan's button nose was a bit red, even though she was bundled up like a polar bear cub. The walk was all uphill and the wind wanted to blow right through our coats but we were on a mission and continued.

The children's section of the library was much bigger than I had anticipated and the shelves were filled with fantasies to suit the most discerning reader. Christina quickly went about looking for books for Tegan and then one for herself as Tegan and I browsed the books and chose one to read.

I sat on one of the wee chairs meant for someone much smaller. Tegan sat on my lap and was fascinated by the Disney story of Tramp the dog. Although, a few times she did think the book looked pretty tasty and I had to rescue it from her iron grip. You know, the age where everything gets tasted just in case it is food.

Next, we headed over to the computer and it was talking to us!! We sat down and watched as Green Eggs and Ham was told to us with wonderful, bright scenes and sound effects that fascinated Tegan. I felt like I could have recited the book from memory after reading to my kids so many times. It took me back to another time and place and the thoughts of my sons at Tegan's age made me smile inside and out.

By the time the story was over, Tegan was ready to leave. Christina checked out 5 books for Tegan and one for herself. We walked on back home with the wind at our backs and the sun was finally out and this time it was all downhill so a much faster trip. This was a marvellous adventure and the memory of it cherished.

So when you're looking for an activity for a rainy day, don't forget about your local library. Who knows what adventures await your grandchildren?

Hugz from,